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I am to be.

Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. Philippians 4:11

We have heard the verse over and over. "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." (Philippians 4:13) But, one thing in this passage of scripture in Philippians 4:10-23 that has been sticking out to me above the rest lately is verse 11. Each version says it a little differently, but in the ESV verse 11 says, "Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content." We learn a lot of things throughout our life experiences. We know a lot of things. Yet, it is so much harder to take action on what we know and have learned. Reading through Philippians 4 this morning what stuck out to me the most was that Paul says, "I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content." I am to be. Some versions say, "I have learned to be content..." But, the words in the ESV really stood out to me. I have learned I am to be content. And I think about Paul when he was in prison writing this passage. How long do you think it would take to learn to be content in a situation like that? I think of all the times in my own life where I have learned I am to be content. It's one thing to learn to be content. It's a completely different thing to learn that you simply should be content. It's "I am" verse "I am to be". One describes how we know we should be. The other describes what we are. How many times in your life have you thought to yourself, "I know I just need to be content." It's difficult and it takes sacrifice. It takes believing that God is who is says He is. It takes trusting the Lord in every situation - walking by faith not by sight. Is being content in all circumstances possible? Absolutely because it is through Him who gives us strength. At the same time knowing that "I am to be" gives the motivation and encouragement to strive for it when I am anything but content. I am to be is a reminder of who we are suppose to be in Christ Jesus. It's a reminder that all things are possible with God. It's a reminder that whether you have plenty or hunger or abundance or need that God is faithful. A reminder that we have the power to be content through Him who strengthens us. We were created to be content in every situation, because we have a Father in heaven that is in control. Have you learned how to be content in every season or do you simply know that you're suppose to be? If you haven't reached the point of always being content you can rest in knowing that you're not alone. Remind yourself that you are to be content. Let your heart rest in the arms of Jesus as you surrender your struggles and receive His strength. Let the phrase "I am to be" be a daily reminder that you were made to be content no matter the chaos of life that surrounds you. Enjoy where God has you. Be still and know that He is God. Take time to breathe as you grow deeper in love with Jesus this week.

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