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The Unexplainable

For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. Romans 12:4-5

Each of us have different gifts and different callings in life. It can be frustrating when others don't see things the way we see them or understand things the way we understand them. Just as God gives us different gifts in life He also gives us different experiences. These experiences in life can either make us or break us. They can give us the drive and motivation to share what we've learned and what our eyes have been opened too. Or they can cause us to be overwhelmed and frustrated when people just don't get it. The choice we have dealing with how we process our experiences in life effects how we think, our relationships, and our testimony. For example, when people return from the mission field. Whether you are there a week, two weeks, or a year there are major experiences that God leads you through that takes time to process mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and even physically. How do you explain someone receiving a Bible for the first time? How do you describe watching a malnourished child cling to a bag of cereal? How do you put into words watching a six year old making and selling tortillas to help provide for her family? We see it time and time again when we take mission teams and we experience it every time we go ourselves. The Lord gives you these amazing experiences. He gives you the opportunity to be His hands and feet. And then there comes the choice. How will you process it? How will you share? How will you explain? Some experiences in life you cannot understand until you experience it for yourself. These unexplainable experiences and testimonies are not just for those that have been on a mission trip, but they happen daily in our lives. The beauty of all of our hard to explain experiences is that we, as the body of Christ, have the amazing opportunity to share what Jesus is doing throughout the nations. It's all of our experiences together through being the Church that brings glorification to Jesus! We need each other's experiences to walk in the fullness and abundance of who God is. So as we share our journey's together we can rejoice in light overcoming darkness. We can have compassion. We can give. We can cry. We can pray. Even when we don't understand what someone has been through. Even when someone doesn't understand what we have been through. We still need each other. Next time you feel completely discouraged because people don't understand what you've seen or been through instead of shutting down and getting frustrated let it motivate you to share the unexplainable. Most often it's the people that just don't get it that need to hear your story and what you've experienced the most. Our experiences together are what reveals Jesus to the world! As you go throughout your week choose to share your life with those you meet. Even if they don't understand, they need to hear your testimony. Let the unexplainable in your life bring you closer to your brothers and sisters in Christ as we function together as one body. Those around you need to know what you've been through. They need to see and hear what Jesus is doing in and through you. Let God use your journey to bring glory to His Son this week!

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