Whatever is Praiseworthy
Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Philippians 4:8
Ever get caught up in the negative side of life? No matter who you are or where you live there are daily struggles that leave us with a choice on how to think. It's so easy to jump to the conclusion that our world is falling apart even if the daily struggle is relatively small in the grand scheme of things. The world has bombarded us with a subconscious need to look at the negative side of life. It doesn't matter if it's a small inconvenience or if it's actually a good life altering change. Our attitude no matter the situation, good or bad, can easily jump directly to a negative viewpoint. If we're honest with ourselves we can admit that our flesh very rarely begins to think from a Philippians 4:8 mindset.The way we allow ourselves to think alters more than just a bad situation. It impacts how we wake up in the morning, our interaction with people throughout the day, and how we serve our families at home. How would your day change if you thought about the things that are worthy of praise? What if instead of complaining about your job you praised God for the opportunity to provide for your family. What if instead of focusing on the annoying things your spouse does you praised God for all the ways he/she serves you daily. What if instead of thinking about everything that's wrong with your house you praised God simply because you have a roof over your head. What if instead of worrying about the test results you praised God, because you're still breathing. We have a choice every day to choose how we think. We can find the good or the bad in anything we choose. How would your life change if you began to think about what is praiseworthy in every situation? As you go throughout your week we challenge you to take every thought captive. When you begin to think negatively renew your mind and focus on whatever is praiseworthy. May your joy be overflowing this week as you operate from a mindset of praise.