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Times and Seasons

He said to them, "It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth." Acts 1:7-8

Have you ever wondered why God has you where He has you right now? Ever questioned His timing? Maybe you've even questioned His calling on your life. I'm sure most of us if honest with ourselves would admit that we have asked God, "Why?" At least a time or two. Sometimes we're able to look back after one of those "why" seasons and see the bigger picture. Yet, there are some times we will never be able to comprehend what the Lord is doing. No matter what though we can rest in knowing God is faithful and we can rest assured knowing that He is in control. Going to Guatemala has left us with a lot of "whys" in this season. As much as we absolutely love Guatemala walking into a foreign land, not knowing the language, trying to build a Rescue Center has brought the "why" question up on multiple occasions. "God, are you sure this is where you want us? We have no idea how to do this. I'm sure you have other people way more qualified for this season." And on and on our minds work when we're trying to figure out why God has us where He has us. Ever been there? It's easy to keep so focused on the doubt that we forget why we said yes to Jesus in the first place. On this past trip to Guatemala I walked into a home, a tiny room with a dirt floor and large holes in the wood walls. The only thing really in this home was a small bed. These conditions are common in most of the homes we visit. But, on that bed was a little boy. He was ten years old, yet the size of a four year old. Malnourished and laying naked on the bed because it was over 100 degrees in their home. This tiny little boy is deaf, mute, blind and home all alone because his mother has no option to feed him unless she goes to work. I've seen a lot over the years in Guatemala, but nothing has broken me like this. The helplessness and hopelessness of this family's situation has left me overwhelmed in a way I can't even describe. There was literally nothing we could do in that moment that could help this little boy, this family. So, I walked out of that home with a whole new lists of "whys" feeling completely defeated. How often do we stop and get wrapped up in our doubt, in our feelings, in our abilities, and in our fear? It wasn't till talking to someone later that day that I realized why God took me to that house. He took me, because He was answering my "whys". He was reminding me that He took us to Guatemala, because He wants us to build a Rescue Center, a refuge for children like this little boy. He was reminding me that it's not possible unless He does it. He was reminding me that all the sacrifices, the struggles, and the tears that we have sown are so kids, orphans, widows, and struggling families can have hope, a future, and experience the unrelenting love of Jesus. We might not have been able to physically help that little boy that day, but a year from now we know he will have a completely different life. Not because of anything we're able to do, but solely because God is good and because He sent us to Guatemala. We will never understand why God does the things He does in the timing He does it in. But, our prayer for you is that you would focus on Him instead of your "whys". He sees the big picture. He has a plan. You can rest in knowing that the Holy Spirit will continue to move powerfully in you and through you as you take His name to the ends of the earth.

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