If we knew then what we know now...would we go?
We love because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19
If we knew then what we know now would we still go? Last year at this time we had no idea that we would be spending eight weeks in Guatemala this year. Last year at this time we had just taken our first trip by ourselves with no translator and no other missionaries. Just the two of us and our backpacks. I still remember that hour and a half ride from the airport in the back of the local pastor's 1981 pickup truck scared out of my mind. What in the world were we doing? We couldn't even communicate with the one person that had our back. It was a constant adventure with a lot of lessons. Two more similar trips afterwards with a lot of charades and somehow we figured we were ready to take mission teams with us. Okay we didn't figure, we knew we were NOT ready, but the Lord had other plans. The word of the year seems to be "obedience" for us. Each week, each day, and each person in front of us have seemed to be a test of obedience. It's been a whole year of "Yes, Lord". Yes Lord we'll go even though we don't have the money to go. Yes Lord we'll go even though it looks terrifying. Yes Lord we'll go even though we don't speak the language. Yes Lord we'll go even though parasites could eat us alive again. Yes Lord, yes Lord, yes Lord. Have we gotten it right every time? No. Have we been consumed with fear, doubt, and worry at times? Yes. Have we fought, cried, and lost a lot of sleep. Yes. As much as we LOVE Guatemala it's been a hard year. The people and country are beautiful, but there is nothing like hearing widows tell their children they can't feed them today. There is nothing like seeing single mothers on the verge of suicide because they work seven days a week twelve hours a day and still cannot provide for their children. There's nothing like sitting with a hopeless girl who had been raped by her father. There is nothing like seeing a blind, deaf, mute little boy laying helpless on the bed at home all alone. It's heartbreaking. It rips you apart from the inside out to hear the stories and see the living conditions. But, God. It was all the terrifying "Yes Lord" moments that brought us to these places. It is clear now more than ever why God sent us. We didn't have all the answers to give this year, but we had the Light. We've prayed this year probably more than we ever have before. We've hugged. We've cried. We've laughed. We've given. We've loved. We've done life through the good and the bad with the people in Poptún, Guatemala. And God has been faithful to do what He does. Because we've said "Yes Lord" we've been able to witness people surrender their lives to the Lord. We've seen marriages restored. We've watch the Lord physically heal people. We've seen demons cast out. We've seen forgiveness. We've seen hope. We've seen grace. So, would we still go if we knew then what we know now? Absolutely. To be given the opportunity to partner with the Lord in all He is doing is such an honor and no matter how terrifying things look we will continue to say "Yes Lord" until the whole world hears of His great love. The Lord has taught me about His heart more than anything this year. He is so good. He is so faithful. The Lord wants you to partner with Him. How is He calling you? If you know His voice you know what you need to say "Yes Lord" to. Don't wait any longer. It may look terrifying, but it's going to be an amazing adventure. Say yes and hold on tight as God opens the windows of heaven and pours out grace upon grace in your life. We love you guys. We're so thankful for your prayers, love, and support. We could not do what God has called us to do without your obedience to sow into our lives and ministry. We praise God for you daily. May God be forever glorified as we take His name to the ends of the earth.
Serving Him Together, Pastor Harry & Shelly Divido