A New Adventure Awaits
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of
the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25:40
As we step back and look at all the Lord has done over the last several years all we can do is praise Him. He is so good and so faithful. From starting Light of the World with a simple bottle of water, to having Bible studies with the homeless in the woods, to squeezing 20 adults into a small studio apartment for worship, to Church on the Street, Picnics in the Park, to the Apartment Outreach, to Christmas Dinner, to hospital visits, to late night phone calls, to mission trips, to nights of prayer, and on and on the list goes. It's amazing the things you remember as you look back over the years on all God has done. The people that have surrendered their lives to the Lord, the miracles, the deliverances, the forgiveness, the restoration, and the healings are just some of the things that will always be engraved in our hearts. We are beyond thankful for all the people that the Lord has surrounded us with on this journey. It is such an honor to serve with you. Each of you have impacted lives in ways you will probably never know. Our vision has been and always will be to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. Our mission has been and always will be to serve the least of these. (Matthew 25:40) Our anointing has been and will be until the Lord says differently to engage and equip the body to be the hands and feet of Jesus. And as we seek the Lord with our whole hearts and walk in obedience as He calls we are embarking on a new adventure! Jacksonville, Florida will always be home to Light of the World Ministries. This will always be "home". Yet, it has been clear to us for several months now that we need to be in Guatemala for three months starting in January. During this time we will be going to language school as well as beginning construction on the Rescue Center in Poptún, Guatemala. Now, before any rumors get started....No, we are not moving to Guatemala. The Lord has not led us in that direction at this time. If He does we will be sure to let you know. What this means for us personally: We are currently in the process of packing up our home in Jacksonville and will be leaving for now around Thanksgiving. We will spend the month of December visiting family in PA and CO. Then after we wrap up all of the year end tasks we will fly to Guatemala in January where we will spend the next 89 days serving the Lord in Poptún. We continue to pray about where the Lord wants our next "home" to be. We're very excited to see where He will open the door. The Lord has really allowed us to dream in this time of transition and we are really excited about what He has in store. What does this mean for you in Jacksonville: Just because the Lord is calling us outside of Jacksonville right now does not mean that the needs go away. Light of the World will still be operating here. We are simply passing on the mantle to those of you that have been so faithful to serve, give, and love these last several years. Church on the Street, the Apartment Outreach, Mobile Food Distributions, Picnics in the Park will still go on until the Lord says differently. We have seen the body of Christ step up more in the last several weeks in Jacksonville than we have ever seen during our time here. We know God is doing big things here and we are so thankful that He has allowed us to personally be a part of it. What do we need from you: We need you to pray. Pray for us personally as we embark on this adventure of obedience with the Lord. We need you to stay in contact, send us encouraging notes, and check in every once in a while. We value your friendship. We need you to continue supporting Light of the World Ministries as the Lord leads you. We need people that have the same heart to serve the least of these to partner with us because it's not about us it's about the Kingdom. We need you to continue serving those the Lord puts in front of you here in Jacksonville. Whether we are here or there we still need you! We praise the Lord for you daily for walking with us over the last several years. We could not have done it without you. You have been such a blessing to us. We are excited for the days ahead as we continue to serve together to grow the Kingdom. Newsletters will still continue to go out and keep you updated on local serve opportunities and needs along with updates on this new season. You can follow us on Facebook for daily updates on "Where in the world are the Dividos." If you were not able to make it to the ministry night last weekend where we talked about this in more detail and would like to get together please send us a message. We would love to meet with you before we say, "See you later." There will be a "See you later" party next month (more details to come) and we would love to see you to say thank you in person. Thank you for following Jesus. Thank you for coming alongside our ministry and our family. Thank you for loving us and supporting us. Thank you for challenging our faith and encouraging us in obedience. Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus. Thank you for your prayers. We love you guys and greatly appreciate you! Your Missionaries, Harry and Shelly Divido Light of the World Ministries PO BOX 330734 Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 www.lightoftheworldjax.org (814) 221-2166 // (904) 524-6670