Sowing and Harvesting
While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease. Genesis 8:22
The world seems to revolve around seasons. There are times to sow seeds and there are times to reap the harvest. We see this with crops as seasons change. We see this spiritually as we share the gospel. Yet, so often we miss the sowing and harvesting in the mundane areas of our lives. So often we overlook those that have sowed seeds into our lives. The ones that have interceded for us. The ones that have gone before us pioneering so that we could live and work where we are now. The ones that have cleared the path so that we could reap the harvest. As we've been packing up our belongings and cleaning the house that we've lived in for the last four years I've often thought about those that lived and worshipped here before us. Our home has been such a refuge for us these last few years. So as I've worshipped and prayed over the last couple weeks to prepare this house for those that will live here next my heart has rejoiced thinking of those that prepared it for us before we arrived. We'll never meet those that will move in next, but as our days wrap up here we can declare this house as a place of peace, a place of rest, a place of love. We can prepare this house with worship so that the first day the new family walks in that door they feel the presence of the Lord. We have the choice to sow seeds every day in the mundane. Yet, so often we miss the opportunity. We get so caught up in the busy that we miss the small details of why God has us where He has us. We so often miss those precious moments. We so often forget about those that have gone before us and those that go after us. Where does God have you today? What seeds are you sowing and which ones are you harvesting? Praise the Lord for those that have gone before you giving you the opportunity to reap the harvest you're reaping today. Praise the Lord for the opportunity you have today to sow seeds in the mundane areas of your life. Live each moment with purpose. Ask the Lord how you can partner with Him today. Rejoice in the miracles and the mundane. Sow seeds of righteousness, peace, and love in your family, your neighborhood, your work place, your ministry, your city, and the nations. You may never see the harvest your seeds will produce, but you can rejoice knowing that it will produce a harvest! The Lord is faithful. The seeds you sow will impact the lives around you. The prayers and worship you have sown in the secret place will shift the atmosphere. The Lord is using you today right where you are. Don't miss the opportunity to partner with Him. Father, may you be glorified in your kids today!