The Rescue Center
We purchased a piece of property in Poptún, Guatemala in June 2015. This piece of property is home to our future rescue center! The main house has been transformed since we first bought it. The once small open room house now has bedrooms, a kitchen, running water, and even indoor bathrooms and showers! The Holy Spirit has been moving so much in the church we are partnering with. They now have an abundance of children at each service. Pastor Pedro, the pastor of the local church, had already been working on turning his home, which is right beside the church, into the children's area. Giving the kids their own area to learn about Jesus on their level will create a better environment for discipleship! After learning about all Pastor Pedro and his family are doing to reach the kids in the community we knew his family was meant to move into the house on our property. Pastor Pedro and his family are now living in our house and we know that this is where God wants them in this season. While they are living on the property they will be working on some of the projects we need to get done as we continue walking out this vision the Lord has given us. What a blessing it is to know that a family that has been so obedient to make disciples is living in our Guatemala home! Our next phase is to begin building the actual building where we will house orphans and widows. This building will not only be used for housing those in need, but also as a place where we can do basic first aid, feed the hungry, provide tutoring and daycare, and so much more. We have a huge vision for Poptún and know it will take time before we physically see the big picture, but we are so happy to see the Holy Spirit moving even in the small details. We stand in awe at how God continues to bring the puzzle pieces together. Please continue to pray for our ministry locally in Jacksonville and internationally in Guatemala. We can't do it without you!